Scarefest 2011! Probably noted as one of the funnest times of my life! This was a totally nostalgic weekend for me. Revolving around 80s and 90s horror films. Actors like Lance Hendricksen, Elvira (who is such a sweet heart....and is still a total hottie), Ernie Hudson of Ghostbusters, Lea Thompson, and Michael Biehn of classics like Terminator and Aliens (fun fact: I played football with his nephew Jesse Biehn. Yes that's right I played starting defense all through Highschool.) There was plenty of the paranormal community as well! You could find Aaron Goodwin and me at our mega booth joined by the forces of artist Christian Gabriel! Our neighbor was Ghost Adventure brother, Zak Bagans. It was a constant 2-3 hour wait to cycle through to Zak then Aaron and us artists. However fans also had to option to come up to our portion of the booth and hang out or look/buy art whenever they wanted. I got to see a lot of fans that I had only known via twitter so it was great getting to meet so many face to face. I introduced some new art that I had been dying to let people get their hands on. Like the Freddy Krueger kill line, the If It Bleeds You Can Kill It line and more! It was the perfect event to release them. (BTW you can get them at my print store((shameless plug)) (((wink wink)))).
What else was cool? The after parties! I mean, what else can I say except drinking was involved? Beyond that it was really the energy that put it over the top. Simply amazing. And I thin kthat is what made everything so fun-for the weekend so many people just became a little community of awesomeness. The hotel we stayed at was old and haunted and THAT was a blast. We were allowed access to the entire place including the attic. I encountered energies and things that are few and far between. Some interesting things that got picked up on pictures that I didnt except. If you were there scouring the place with me then you know what I'm talking about. Again, the most important thing were the people. The people were amazing. Like Eric Fraiser. A good friend of Aaron Goodwin's who I almost immediately felt like he was a best friend of my very own. I also gotta give it up to Leah Yoder for bringing me a bottle of Tequila. You can find her on twitter @pastryturtle. Not only was that bottle just awesome in general, it was my instant bond with Kane Hodder who you might know as Jason Voorhees. He pointed and approved of the bottle and I said "that means you gotta help me drink it". "Oh I'm gonna have drinks with ya man" he responded. If someone told me when I was 12 years old that Jason Voorhees, a character that intrigued and scared the hell out of every kid my age, was going to want to have some drinks with me one day in my life, I never would have believed it. BTW the way his home is now graced with an original Hatchet watercolor piece and my rapidly growing in demand "FUCK WATER" Jason Voorhees limited print. Another classic horror icon that left the weekend with my art was Sleepaway Camp beauty Felissa Rose. However she was interested in the opposite end of my art spectrum. She fell in love with my lighter pieces like "All Apologies" and "All of My World Hanging On". From the minute we said hello to eachother we both felt an instant connection to each other. Like we had been friends for years. It was odd and wonderful to the both of us. A beautiful, wonderful, glowing person. Side note: theres a pretty sweet prom picture of Felissa, Kane and me. There were so many other cool peeps too, like Andrea Gabhart who I ended up finding out to be a very unlikely artist herself with her awesome wood jewelry. And I must mention Katie Oliver. An up and coming actress and probably one of the interesting energy based people I have ever met. Both being people who I can loosely describe as "in tune" (with the unknown and even one another) our meeting and time together can only be described as pecuilar. The weekend flew by and I think the majority of us wished it didn't end. This is another one of those events where you don't even have to be into the horror world to have a blast. Right down to the fans walking around in their costumes this event was just such a fun time. I thin kI speak for a large number of people when I say I'M READY FOR SCAREST 2012!
Stephanie Null
1/2/2012 02:03:50 am
It was great meeting you at Scarefest. Kristen and I had a great time hanging out with you for a bit. I still have to get some frames for your prints. Which are AWESOME by the way. Thank you for taking a pic with me, and enjoy 2012. If I get to go to Scarefest again I am absolutely going to your booth and checking out more prints.
Stephanie Null
1/2/2012 02:21:20 am
I know you do a lot of art from movies. Have you done any from Repo The Genetic Opera? I have been wanting to find a good painting of the Repoman from that movie, but haven't found any that I really really like yet.
anita kakos
2/9/2012 04:54:39 pm
Your opening line "I love your shirt" it was amazing meeting you. I hope to see you this year
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