I just want to strongly point out that this "sale" is not meant to be disrespectful or exploit this wonderful man's passing. The Freddy pieces I have made have become one of my most collected prints. Being a major horror nerd I know what it is to collect things in the genre; that being said I am well aware that when an icon passes away people tend to want to collect things that pertain to the art they were known for. People will sell things on Ebay, buy things on Ebay, shirt companies will sell shirts in celebratory fashion, film collections will be hurrily produced, etc etc. I CANNOT STOP ANYONE FROM WANTING TO PURCHASE MY ART DUE TO THIS. IT WILL HAPPEN. Knowing this, I have decided that it would be more exploitative of me to allow them to purchase things at full price. That is why these things are on "sale". Please enjoy the pieces I have done that Mr Craven inspired me to do.